Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The ABA Rare Bird Alert’s Weekly Highlights

New York birders found a Sixth State Record Common Ringed Plover on the shore of Jamaica Bay in Brooklyn (photo by Joshua Malbin), while another Common Ringed Plover was documented in Massachusetts.

Last week New York birders found a Sixth State Record Common Ringed Plover on the shore of Jamaica Bay in Brooklyn, while Canadian birders documented the Nineth Provincial Record Red-bellied Woodpecker in Alberta and a Nineth Provincial Record Prairie Warbler in British Columbia. Other rare birds located by astute birders included a Fork-tailed Flycatcher in New Jersey, another Common Ringed Plover in Massachusetts, a Kirtland’s Warbler in Pennsylvania, and a Yellow-green Vireo in California – and there’s more:



Sixth State Record Common Ringed Plover – Brooklyn, New York

Nineth Provincial Record Red-bellied Woodpecker – Alberta

Nineth Provincial Record Prairie Warbler – Tsawassen, British Columbia



Common Ringed Plover – Parker River Refuge, Massachusetts

Fork-tailed Flycatcher – Liberty State Park, New Jersey

Kirtland’s Warbler – Powdermill Nature Reserve, Pennsylvania

Yellow-green Vireo – Southeast Farallon Island, California



Steller’s Sea Eagle – Newfoundland

Yellow-headed Caracara – Florida

Mottled Owl – Texas

Gray Gull – Florida

American Flamingos – Florida, Texas

Plain-capped Starthroat – Arizona

Berylline Hummingbird – Arizona

Brown Jays – Texas


For more information, you can refer to the American Birding Association’s Rare Bird Alert at Rare Bird Alert: October 4, 2024 - American Birding Association ( Special Thanks to the ABA for permitting us to use the ABA’s Rare Bird Alert to prepare this weekly replay.

You can often find more information about individual rare bird sightings from the ABA state rare bird alert listserves that you can access at Birding News brought to you by American Birding Association - ( or at ABA Rare Bird Alert | Facebook