The new book, Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses, provides a wealth of information about cavity nesting birds and the birdhouses they need.
An example of the detailed, step-by-step, photo-illustrated pages that make this book so helpful and informative.
A new book for all birders clearly describes the step-by-step process of building birdhouses and nest boxes using the best possible plans, plus so much more. The photo-illustrated “how-to directions” come in the form of the new book: Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses, authored by Mel Toellner and Matt Maguire. Anyone interested in birds, especially cavity nesting birds, will find this book captivating and an essential part of their birding references. There are 88 species of cavity nesting birds in North America, and providing nest boxes is essential to their conservation and well-being as individual species.
As popular as birdhouses are, many are designed with aesthetics in mind rather than a given bird species’ requirements, safety, and preferences. Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses will help anyone provide the right birdhouse for the birds you are trying to attract by providing an appropriately designed birdhouse. The authors provide step-by-step instructions for each of 15-plus projects to create bird-safe birdhouses, including nest boxes for bluebirds, wrens, chickadees, owls, purple martins, and more. Even if you aren’t interested in “building” a birdhouse, the information in this book will help you make the best selection when buying one.
Birder and educator Mel Toellner and professional woodworker Matt Maguire take a holistic approach to building and installing birdhouses. Their book has 3 major sections: The first part presents information about cavity nesting bird species, which includes colorful photos, detailed range maps, nesting facts, and a glossary. The second section has woodworking checklists, photo-illustrated lists of the necessary tools and materials, and safety tips. The birdhouse section is the third and primary section, which features illustrated woodworking plans with clear instructions, patterns, and suggested types of wood to use and cuts to make.
For good measure, the book includes birdhouse mounting instructions that will protect the birds from predators. It also provides easy-to-follow information about how you can landscape habitats that will attract and benefit birds, along with suggestions for how children can participate. Additional sections that provide species information, range maps, safety tips, and information about how you can attract cavity nesting birds to your yard are also helpful and interesting.
One birder and woodworker wrote: “Building or even purchasing the correct birdhouse is just the first step in attracting birds to your yard. What about placement, improving nearby habitat, birdhouse maintenance, or even use by birds during the winter? The authors answer all these questions and more in just one book!”
Cavity nesting birds are captivating, and this extensive guide to crafting birdhouses and nestboxes will surely elevate your enthusiasm for a new do-it-yourself project. It also adds suggestions for how you can share building bird houses with children, and with photos of the birds you hope to attract on hand, they will easily be inspired to join the fun.
Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses not only furnishes essential details for creating an ideal nest box for each species, but also shares a wealth of knowledge about how to attract birds to your yard or property. To learn more about this impressive new book that will surely become a standard on the subject of birdhouses for cavity nesting birds, see Making Bird-Friendly Birdhouses – Fox Chapel Publishing Co.
You can also learn more about this book and its authors at Bird Man Mel
Share your backyard birding experiences and photos with The Birding Wire at editorstbw2@gmail.com