Wednesday, September 6, 2023

“Focus on the Good” Binocular Program

The “Focus on the Good” binocular donation program will provide donated binoculars to birding guides in developing countries to help increase ecotourism and conservation (Gartered Trogon photo by Paul Konrad).
The new “Focus on the Good” binocular donation program is a partnership established between Land Sea & Sky and Houston Audubon, with added support from Zeiss.

The “Focus on the Good” binocular program is a heartwarming initiative created through a partnership between Land Sea and Sky and Houston Audubon that collects donated binoculars and refurbishes used binoculars to their full potential. These rejuvenated binoculars are then given to underprivileged individuals interested in birding and to birding guides in developing countries. By promoting ecotourism over deforestation, this program empowers local communities to appreciate and protect their natural habitats, fostering a sustainable approach to economic growth while preserving their environment.

Through the gift of binoculars, people can better see birds and the beauty of their surroundings up close, and engage in ecotourism activities that benefit individuals, their communities, and the planet. Zeiss has also generously offered to support this program by providing a 15 percent off coupon for any Zeiss product purchased through Land Sea and Sky within 30 days of donating a pair of binoculars to the Focus on the Good binocular program.

To learn more about the “Focus on the Good” binocular donation program, see Focus on the Good | Land Sea & Sky (