Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Photographing Rare Birds in North Mexico

This photo of a striking male Crimson-collared Grosbeak is one of the many illustrations of “rare birds” photographed in northeast Mexico by Brian E. Small.

Interested in photographing birds that are rarely found north of the Rio Grande borderlands – rare birds – world-class bird photographer Brian Small decided to make a pilgrimage to a location where the “rare” birds aren’t so rare – at the northeast edge of their range. Seeking out such exciting birds as Colima Warblers, Crimson-collared Grosbeaks, Audubon’s Orioles, Chestnut-crested Warblers, Gray Silky Flycatchers, and more, Brian’s remarkable photo gallery is featured in the newest edition of Birding, published by the American Birding Association.

A friend of our Editor, Paul considers Brian Small to be the best bird photographer in the United States, and that fact was emphasized when Brian sent him a collection of photos he took during his trip to northeast Mexico some time ago. And now you can see the best of Brian’s collection of photos taken during his most productive bird photography trip to Parque Natural La Estanzuela near Monterey, Mexico, which is located west-southwest of the American birding centers of McAllen and Harlingen, Texas.

You can download the October issue of Birding as a PDF file and view Brian’s impressive gallery of photographs with some insightful information about how he planned the trip. Brian also emphasizes how much he enjoyed the people and appreciated the safe conditions while visiting the area with fellow photographers Joe Fuhrman and Greg Homel. You can download the issue with the article at Birding 2023 Oct - American Birding Association (

Perhaps you are already an ABA member and have received your issue of Birding already; if not, please consider joining the ABA – formed in 1976 by a group of dedicated birders, including Brian’s dad, Arnold Small. Every birder should be an ABA birder!