Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The ABA Rare Bird Alert’s Weekly Highlights

One of the first reported American Flamingos found in Florida was photographed along the Sanibel Causeway east of Fort Myers by Ron Buening.

Three exciting state records were documented by birders last week, including a First State Record Ruff in Wyoming, a Second State Record that included 5 Hudsonian Godwits in Nevada, and a Fifth State Record Long-tailed Jaeger in Connecticut. One of the big stories of the week in the wake of Hurricane Idalia was the appearance of American Flamingos, initially with several sightings across Florida, but soon including sightings in South Carolina, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, and Texas!



First State Record Ruff – Mortenson Lake Refuge, Wyoming

Second State Record Hudsonian Godwit (5) – Carson Lake, Nevada

Fifth State Record Long-tailed Jaeger – Madison, Connecticut


One of the big stories of the week was the appearance of American Flamingos, initially with several sightings coming out of Florida from near Tallahassee to the Keys beginning last Wednesday. Soon sightings were being reported farther north along the storm’s Atlantic Coast route, including Bull Island, South Carolina, and Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina. Even more surprising have been the 2 American Flamingos documented at Caesars Creek State Park in Ohio with 5 others sighted near Collinwood, Tennessee. Three have also been seen in Alabama, and 5 more were seen as far west as the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas. With flamingos sighted as far north as Ohio, surely Ontario birders must be on alert for flamingos in Canada. For more information, you can refer to the Birding News article in this issue, and we’ll certainly have an update in the next issue.



Red-necked Stint – Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California

Buff-breasted Sandpiper – Point Armour, Labrador

Blackburnian Warbler – Fishhook Park, Washington

Blue-headed Vireo – Washtucna, Washington

Black-throated Sparrow – Gove County, Kansas

Lark Sparrow – Rutherford Beach, Louisiana

Limpkins – 10+ statewide, Tennessee

Limpkin – Pennyfield Lock, Maryland

Limpkin – Jordan Lake, North Carolina



Little Bunting – Gambell, St. Laurence Island, Alaska

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper – St. Paul Island, Pribilofs, Alaska



Steller’s Sea Eagle – Newfoundland

Large-billed Terns – Florida

Berylline Hummingbird – Arizona

LaSagra’s Flycatcher – Florida

Brown Jays – Texas


For more information, you can refer to the American Birding Association’s Rare Bird Alert at Rare Bird Alert: September 1, 2023 - American Birding Association ( Special Thanks to the ABA, and Nate Swick, who does such a great job of compiling the ABA’s Rare Bird Alert, which we use to prepare this weekly replay.

You can often find more info about individual rare bird sightings from the ABA state rare bird alert listserves that you can access at or at