Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Ultimate Guide to Penguins

Penguins, The Ultimate Guide.

In case you haven’t already added the exceptional book, Penguins, to your library, this is truly a book that all birders should have on hand to appreciate one of the most endearing families of birds to its fullest. This second edition of Penguins covers all 18 species of the world’s penguins, which are expertly illustrated with more than 400 exceptional color photographs that provide a remarkable look at penguins throughout their annual cycles and in their variety of habitats. You will appreciate the informative species profiles and fun facts, along with the latest scientific insights about penguins and their conservation.

Filled with a variety of fascinating penguin information, you will also learn about where each species of penguin ranges in the wild – locations ranging from the Equator to Antarctica! This new updated edition features some spectacular new photographs and updated scientific information to provide a unique look at these extraordinary creatures and the cutting-edge science that is helping us better understand all 18 species. Learn about penguins with such enchanting names as Emperor, King, Royal, and Macaroni, and you will even learn about their underwater behaviors, plus the nocturnal lifestyles of some penguins, which tend to be overlooked and rarely photographed.

Published by Princeton University Press, Penguins is the most ambitious book about this unique family of birds, authored and illustrated by Tui De Roy, Mark Jones, and Julie Cornthwaite. The authors’ travels spanned more than 20 years and took them across the Southern Hemisphere from the lava-rock shores of the Galapagos Islands to the shores of southern South America, Australia, and Africa – and on to some of the most remote sub-Antarctic islands, and around the continent of Antarctica. You can get a look inside the book to see an example of the variety of high-quality photographs and text treatments at Penguins | Princeton University Press