Wednesday, May 1, 2019

WunderBird Clothing for Birders

The Kestrel Short Sleeve Tee
The Women’s Gyrfalcon Hoodie

Following their study of the true nature of birding, Wunderbird developed the first-ever clothing collection totally dedicated to the birding experience and birders’ needs – a revolution in tech-wear, integrating wearable smart fabrics with ventilation, quick drying features, and mosquito repellant to help you better adapt to changing environments while birding. Wunderbird products smartly distribute and alleviate the weight of the gear carried around your neck and over your shoulders, and they dynamically stabilize your binoculars without compromising rapid access on-the-go.

The Wunderbird birding collection for men features Quick Draw binocular support, great weight distribution, padded shoulders, and other unique properties that make these products ideal for birders. The Kestrel Short Sleeve Tee is ideal for everyday use, if you happen to be hiking through a refuge, walking through the park, or relaxing in your backyard.

The Gyrfalcon Hoodie, the ultimate birding hoodie for women, is the perfect design for birding at high-altitude or during cooler temperatures. It features an adjustable hood, a Quick Draw binocular pocket, and shoulder pads to ease weights ranging from a binocular strap to a tripod. (There’s a mens Gyrfalcon Hoodie too.)

These and other clothing products for birders are available in a number of different colors for men and women. For more information about Wunderbird and its birding clothing and other products, see