A variety of interesting birds were encountered by workshop participants in southern Ontario (Wood Duck photo by Paul Konrad).
Some recent participants in this summer’s Young Ornithologists’ Workshop during an excursion to Big Creek National Wildlife Area in southern Ontario.
The Long Point Bird Observatory’s Young Ornithologist’s Workshop aims to foster the passion and knowledge of promising young people from across Canada during an intensive week of hands-on ornithology, science, and naturalist-oriented programming at Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO) in southern Ontario. More than 200 young people have participated in the program to date, and it is widely appreciated that youth engagement, education, and training are essential in the efforts to conserve Canada’s birds and the habitats they rely on.
Throughout the week, the young birders were thrust into the life of a field biologist, waking up before sunrise to conduct migration monitoring at LPBO’s Old Cut Research Station. Tutored by Birds Canada’s professional ornithologists, participants spent most mornings learning how to accurately collect and record migration monitoring data, plus learning about the intricacies of bird banding. Their afternoons were filled with a variety of naturalist activities, including a trip to the incomparable Tip of Long Point that extends into the north side of Lake Erie.
Long Point began “youth excursions” in the late ’70s, which developed into the workshop format that has been offered annually since 1991. Workshop alumni include some of Canada’s best and brightest scientists, ornithologists, and naturalists, including many staff members at Birds Canada. These workshops are supported in part by the Doug Tarry Natural History Fund and gracious supporters of Long Point Bird Observatory. Vortex Canada is LPBO’s official optics partner and supports the youth engagement programs. Vortex also outfitted the participants with quality binoculars and spotting scopes, and helped to support some costs of travel and accommodation.
The Bird Observatory and Birds Canada are proud to celebrate another successful August of workshop activities at the Long Point Bird Observatory’s Young Ornithologists’ Workshop, and you can learn more about the opportunity to attend or support this activity at Long Point Bird Observatory's Young Ornithologist's Workshop - Birds Canada | Oiseaux Canada and refer to Training and Workshops - Birds Canada | Oiseaux Canada