Can you identify this large bird of prey? The Free Raptor ID Guide will help you learn basic information about how to identify all the raptors you encounter (photo by Paul Konrad of a first year Red-tailed Hawk).
A Free downloadable PDF guide makes identifying Birds of Prey easier, by separating raptor species into 7 groups and providing key characteristics for each. You will learn how to use a bird’s size, shape, and wing and tail proportions to quickly and more accurately ID all the raptors commonly found in the United States and Canada. Using silhouettes to help narrow the species identification quickly, this guide provides an easy and quick way to become better at identifying every bird of prey you encounter this fall – and always.
You can download a Free raptor ID guide at Download Our Free Raptor ID PDF (allaboutbirds.org)
And if you would like to learn more about birds of prey, refer to a description of the Cornell Lab’s Bird Academy online course for Hawk & Raptor Identification at Be a Better Birder: Hawk and Raptor Identification | Bird Academy • The Cornell Lab (allaboutbirds.org)