Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kirtland’s Warbler Webinar

The Free webinar, “Back from the Brink: De-listing the Kirtland’s Warbler” will be presented live September 18th (photo by Jacob Spendelow).

An exciting live webinar presentation will be presented next Wednesday, September 18th at 4:00pm EDT, entitled “Back from the Brink: De-listing the Kirtland’s Warbler. The Zoom presentation is Free, and everyone is invited to join the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) to celebrate the 5-year anniversary of the de-listing of the Kirtland's Warbler from the Endangered Species List. For many birders, a Kirtland’s Warbler is an extremely rare sight because the species has specific habitat requirements and one of the smallest nesting ranges of any North American bird – primarily in northern Michigan.

The Kirtland’s Warbler was one of the first species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) after the legislation was passed by Congress in 1973. Even so, in 1987 the number of singing males had dropped to a low of 167. Thereafter, as a result of decades of conservation work by many partners, the number of singing males eventually rebounded to more than 2,300 by 2015.

How did the Kirtland’s Warbler recover? How is it faring now? What conservation work is still needed to keep the population increasing? Join the American Bird Conservancy for the Free webinar on September 18th to find out. You will hear from experts directly involved in efforts to save the species from extinction and ensure continued population increases, working in the warbler’s nesting range in jack pine forests and wintering scrub habitat in the Bahamas. You will hear from a number of authoritative speakers, including Steve Roels, the Kirtland’s Warbler Program Director & Conservation Team Coordinator; Dave Ewert, Senior Conservation Scientist with ABC; and Giselle Deane, Senior Science Officer with the Bahamas National Trust.

If you can’t “attend” the live Zoom webinar, you can RSVP now and ABC will send you a recording of the webinar to view anytime. For more information and to Register for the webinar, refer to Back from the Brink: Delisting the Kirtland's Warbler (