Among the most popular feeder visitors from the northeast to the southwest are Northern Cardinals. The foods you offer and the feeders you use will fashion what birds visit your feeding station.
Cavity nesting birds like Eastern Bluebirds have benefited from the addition of artificial nesting cavities – nest boxes – that are actually better and safer than many natural cavities.
Hummingbirds are a favorite of birders who provide sugar-water nectar feeders and specialized flower gardens.
Each week we share a wealth of insightful information about how you can attract birds to observe in your yard, property, or neighborhood and benefit birds season after season by providing a variety of bird food and fresh water at your feeding station. We also share the importance of landscaping for birds, to provide shelter, nesting areas, and natural foods like fruit, berries, and seeds produced by trees, shrubs, flowering plants, and grasses. In this final Backyard Birding article of the year, we are providing a helpful list of articles published during 2024 that you can refer to anytime.
We start with information about foods, feeders, and feeding stations; transition into nest boxes, bird houses, and roosting boxes; continue with landscaping and gardening, and finish with optics and photography. In the process, we will provide a most important reference source for you to use whenever you need it – just by accessing the topic that interests you from our Archives library any given day or evening – anytime. You can access our Archives at the top of any issue of The Birding Wire, or by accessing the most recent issue on our website at BirdingWire.com – just click on the word Archives under the publication title: The Birding Wire. But we made it even easier than that by providing direct links to articles below.
Foods, Feeders, & Feeding Stations
Let’s Keep It Simple This Week | Birding Wire
April is Prime Migration Time | Birding Wire
Why We Prefer Feeding Shelled Seeds | Birding Wire
The Attraction of Grape Jelly | Birding Wire
Your Summertime Feeding Station | Birding Wire
School Yard Birding & Feeders | Birding Wire
Basic Info About Serving Seeds | Birding Wire
A Full Menu for Fall | Birding Wire
Sunbelt Feeding Stations & More | Birding Wire
December Feeding Station Review | Birding Wire
Bird Baths & Water Features
Watering Options, including Sprinklers | Birding Wire
Heated Bird Baths for Northern Climes | Birding Wire
Nest Boxes, Bird Houses, Roosting Boxes, & Combination Boxes
Selecting the Right Nest Boxes | Birding Wire
Monitor Kestrels Nesting in a Big Nest Box | Birding Wire
Creating a Nest Box Trail | Birding Wire
Cavity Nesting Ducks Use Nest Boxes Too | Birding Wire
The Ultimate Birdhouse Reference | Birding Wire
Fall Nest Box Additions & Upkeep | Birding Wire
Building a Great Horned Owl Nest | Birding Wire
Fall & Winter ‘Convertible’ Roost Boxes | Birding Wire
Landscaping & Gardening
Plant a Special Bird Tree This Spring | Birding Wire
Birdscaping Your Yard, One Corner at a Time | Birding Wire
Summer Landscaping Review | Birding Wire
Window Birding with Binoculars | Birding Wire
Simple Feeding Station Photography | Birding Wire
Inspiration to Photograph Birds in Your Yard | Birding Wire
Special Bird Groups
How Birds Survive Winter & How You Help | Birding Wire
Assisting Evening Grosbeak Research | Birding Wire
Orioles & Hummingbirds! | Birding Wire
Bird Nesting Information | Birding Wire
It’s Hummingbird Migration Time Again! | Birding Wire
Seasonal Transitions are Happening | Birding Wire
Bluebird Fledglings & More | Birding Wire
Hummingbird Season | Birding Wire
Celebrate Finches with the New <em>Stokes Guide</em>! | Birding Wire
Enjoy the Holiday Season!
Share your backyard birding experiences and photos with The Birding Wire at editorstbw2@gmail.com