Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The ABA Young Birders of the Year

The Belted Kingfisher is the ABA’s emblematic bird of the year (photo by Paul Konrad).
Henry Malec-Scott.
Yashai Blum.

Congratulations to the new Young Birders of the Year, announced by the American Birding Association (ABA): 11 year old Henry Malec-Scott from Wellesley, Massachusetts was selected from the 10 to 13 age group, and 16 year old Yishai Blum, from Madison, Wisconsin took top honors in the 14 to 18 age group. The Young Birder of the Year program was created to guide, encourage, and provide expert advice to aid in developing the skills and talents of birders between the ages of 10 to 18.

The Mentoring Program, which began in 1998, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with an impressive track record of influencing up-and-coming leaders of the birding community. Each year, participants work on a number of modules, including Field Notebook, Conservation & Community Leadership, Writing, Illustration, and Photography with the guidance of mentors, a group of dedicated leaders in the field of birding who volunteer their time and talents to the ABA to help young birders advance their birding skills.

Congratulations to Yashai and Henry; you can learn more about these impressive young birders via some autobiographic information provided at 2023 ABA Young Birders of The Year - American Birding Association and thanks to the ABA and the mentors who make the Young Birders of the Year program so successful.