Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Weekly Rare Bird Highlights

A First North American Record Ferruginous Hawk was documented in Maine, where birders also found a Third State Record Tropical Kingbird last week.

Lightning striked twice last week at a pond near Gila Bend, Arizona, where a First State Record Curlew Sandpiperand – a Third State Record Royal Tern were documented within a couple days of each other. Three other First State Records were established, including an American Flamingo in Rhode Island, a Bridled Tern in New Hampshire – and a Ferruginous Hawk in Maine, where birders also found a Third State Record Tropical Kingbird. A photograph of the Tropical Kingbird prompted a welcomed insight from David Sibley, who pointed out that the kingbird appears to be a South American subspecies.



First State Record Ferruginous Hawk – Auburn, Maine

First State Record American Flamingo – Briggs Marsh, Rhode Island

First State Record Curlew Sandpiper – near Gila Bend, Arizona

First State Record Bridled Tern – White Island, New Hampshire

Second State Record Roseate Tern – Presque Isle, Pennsylvania

Third State Record Royal Tern – near Gila Bend, Arizona

Third State Record Tropical Kingbird – Dayton, Maine



Flame-colored Tanager – Miller Canyon, Arizona

Curlew Sandpiper – Chincoteague Refuge, Virginia

Curlew Sandpiper – Eddies Cove, Newfoundland

Roseate Spoonbills (2) – North East, Maryland

Brown Booby – Boston, Massachusetts



Steller’s Sea Eagle – Newfoundland

Mottled Owl – Texas

Large-billed Tern – Florida

Yellow-headed Caracara – California, Florida

American Flamingos – Florida, Texas, New York, Massachusetts

Berylline Hummingbird – Arizona

Brown Jays – Texas


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