Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Best Birding Binoculars Under $200

Nikon Prostaff 3s 8x42
Celestron Trailseeker 8x42
Kowa SV 8x42
Opticron LE WP 8x42

Want to buy a good binocular without spending a bundle? Everyone has their own opinion about which binoculars are best, but the staff at Audubon recently ranked several models available for less than $200. Reviewers ranked each model on a scale of one to five, with five being best, in each of 16 categories. Categories included eye comfort, overall feel and weight, clarity and brightness.

Binocular quality has come a long way. For less than $200, you can get a great quality model that is well-suited for a novice or as a backup pair for an experienced birder. If possible, try using a binocular before purchasing it. Many wild bird stores, outdoor sporting goods stores stock binoculars. Check with the field trip leaders at your local birding club or Audubon chapter to see what they recommend. If you attend a field trip, ask other birders if you may try their binoculars during a spare moment used – most birders enjoy sharing equipment and their personal views on their binoculars.

Article by Peter Stangel

To see which models the Audubon reviewers favored, see

To learn more about the criteria the Audubon reviewers used to rank the binoculars, see