BOISE, Idaho –The first egg was laid by a female American Kestrel on April 7th around 8:00 p.m. (MST) in the nest box monitored by a web camera. This camera will live-stream video of the Kestrel family activities until the chicks fledge from the box.
The female kestrel is likely to lay 4-6 eggs in the coming days and the parents will incubate the eggs over the next 29-30 days. The female will do most of the incubation while the male does most of the hunting.
The nest box is located at The Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey as part of The American Kestrel Partnership. Launched in response to kestrel population declines across much of North America, The Peregrine Fund's American Kestrel Partnership is a network of citizen and professional scientists working to better understand Kestrel populations and conservation.
The web camera is sponsored by The Peregrine Fund, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and was donated by Bosch and Matt Thomas of New/Era Sales, Inc.
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